Our lives @ Lake Arenal: Quiet, but not THAT quiet
Rene and I are not anti-social by any means. However, we often spend our days (sometimes 7 days a week) helping people, answering questions, working hard, you know, spinning our wheels in good ways, building our karma bank.
But, when we can kick back, we do. The gates are locked, phones off the hooks, dogs turned loose (sometimes we really need quiet time) and get naked. Oops, that’s only an expression! If we want to party we can go out almost any night of the week, but we reserve those nights for very special friends.
We have helped so many people make the move to Costa Rica and specifically the Lake Arenal area that we have lost count. We were the first full-service, real estate company at the lake, and we have been in business continuously since 1995. We’re lucky to have made tons of friends (and the occasional not-friends). So, we have dedicated ourselves to helping newcomers avoid the errors we and other friends have made.